Beskrivelse: Beskrivelse: Beskrivelse: image002


Jan Hatt-Olsen


Poet, Conceptual, Media and Public Artist.

Cand.mag in History and Philosophy, University of Copenhagen 2003.

Master Thesis: William Blake’s Cosmos


Member of the art group Urban Artscape, 2005  ,

Member of The Poetry Group in The Danish Writer’s Union 1999 .


Member of IUSA. International Urban Screens Association, 2009,

Member of Art + Environment 2009 

Member of Synapse. Art Science Collaborations 2008

Member of NYP, Network of Younger Planners,

Member of DDC – Net, Danish Design Center’s network, (Competence is urbanity and design of urban spaces), 2005

Member of Koda (organization for composers and writers of lyrics to music), 2003

Member of Gramex (organization for performing artist, theaters, label companies etc), 2003

Member of NTMSB (network of interdisciplinary studies of music and meaning), 2001, board member  2004 - 2009.



Selected Works, Publications, Exhibitions and Conferences.


2015. Silkeprocessen- Metamorphoses

Poetry/Strret Art/ Light Art/Peformance at lyse Nætter #1


2015.Readings from Silkeprocessen at Det Poetiske Bureaus Forlag, Literaturhaus, Blækværk, Copenhagen Art Works)


2015. Publication of the poetry book Silkeprocessen by Jan Hatt-Olsen (Det Poetiske Bureaus Forlag, Copenhagen 2015)


2014. Artist talk about William Blakes Cosmos and art of Jan Hatt-Olsen at the William Blake arrangement at Literaturhaus, Copenhagen.


2014. Artist talk about William Blake’s Cosmos at Poesi i Staden (Poetry in the City) - the artist collective BobWhat -


2013. Urban Wiki | Wiki Light at Vyom 2013 at PEC Chandigarh, Megashows, Exhibitions. 15 – 17 March

2013. Urban Wiki | Wiki Light at LiteraturHaus, Copenhagen. 16 March.

In the web magazine connected to the Danish Cultural Institute  Indian and Danes Co Create Now is there an interesting article by Mik Aidt about the urban wiki which  took place in Chandigarh and Copenhagen, photos by cross media poet – artist Jan Hatt-Olsen


2012. Die Neu Kühle. In Schloss Moabit II pp. 170 – 174, Berlin 2012

Poem ‘The New Cool’ translated into German and Russian and with photo of the installation - from ‘The Exhibition as a Collection of Poetry’ at Dada Post, Berlin 2011


2012. Urban Space as a Collection of Poetry. In Writing Urban Space, (eds.) Gavin Goodwin and Liam Murray Bell pp. 99-106 (Winchester, Zer0 books)    Publication date July 27


2012, Presenting a paper at ‘World Wide (Urban) Wiki | Bookscapes in Metapolis’ at the conference ‘The Media of the Metapolis’ at Bauhaus

University, Weimar


2012. Bidrag til online-antologi udgivet ad Danskfagets forlag / contribution to the online-anthology published by Danskfagets Forlag

( til brug i undervisningen i dansk litteratur i gymnasiet og folkeskolens overbygning / to be used in education in Danish literature, high school level) forthcoming.


Urban Wiki | Wiki Light India 2012


Urban Wiki | Wiki Light exhibited at Techfest 2012, IIT Bombay

Urban Wiki | Wiki Light exhibited at Techkriti 2012, IIT Kanpur


Photos by poet – media artist Jan Hatt-Olsen


2011. The Exhibition as a Collection of Poetry (the literature part of the Optipism Exhibition)

Concept: Jan Hatt-Olsen. Curated by Paul Opstrup leader of LiteraturHaus, Copenhagen,

(A collaboration between LiteraturHaus  in Copenhagen and the gallery Dada Post  in Berlin.)


POSING THE LITERARY AS VISUAL  essay about Jan Hatt-Olsen’s art at Dada Post by Howard McCalebb



LiteraturHaus, Copenhagen and Dada Post, Berlin invited poet/artist Jan Hatt-Olsen, known for his work with augmented poetry, a poetized world, where all are poets and poems and where works of poetry both augment and explore the world. Several of his works has been published both nationally and internationally as research through art and artistic practices.


In Dada Post he was artist in residence form August 1 – September 10.  Based on his meeting with the white cube and the City of Berlin he explored the gallery exhibition as a bookscape - a Poetry Book - expressing Jan Hatt-Olsen’s meeting with Berlin its life, its vibe and its neighborhoods


In the spirit of the Optipism Exhibtion as a whole, everything has a double side, fragmented, coherent, reflecting, something you can pass through. But it’s not perception and reality falling apart or being in an eternal confrontation. It’s Perception and reality always in the making in flux. Always in the process of being written and read, being a collection of poetry

To join this augmenting of realities, play with realities, to create the new perception the poetized reality, has Jan Hatt-Olsen, LiteraturHaus Copenhagen and Dada Post, Berlin invited the Berlin based American visual artist / writer / photographer Kathryn Nussdorf


2011. Artist in residence in the gallery Dada Post, Berlin ( August 1 – September 10)


2011. LiteraturCafé: Lone Aburas, Alexander Sâjin, Jan Hatt-Olsen og Clara Bryld

(Poet Jan Hatt-Olsen is guest in LiteraturCaféen 10/2. Jan is working with the international project Urban ArtScape and has earlier installed his poem in in the urban landscape, an example is with Plexiglas plates in Downtown Værløse. Jan will read own poems and talk about a coming literature exhibition projects in the beginning of September in the gallery Dada Post in Berlin).


I’m giving a paper Urban Space as a Collection of Poetry at Writing Urban Space (Creative Writing Conference at University of Surrey in Guilford on 23 April 2010).  --- I couldn’t get to London and Guilford because of the volcanic ash cloud covering Europe ---


Urban Space as a Work of Art | Imaginary Realism.

(2009 Presentation at the international conference ‘Architecture and Stages in the Experience City’ of my article in Hans Kiib (Ed). Architecture and Stages of the Experience City pp. 313 - 321. Aalborg University, Aalborg 2009)


Jan Hatt-Olsen (2009). Urban Spaces as a Work of Art | Imaginary Realism . In Hans Kiib (Ed). Architecture and Stages of the Experience City pp. 313 - 321. (Aalborg University, Aalborg 2009)

(The book is part of a larger action research project that connects urban development with architectural quality, performative urban spaces and art  The article ‘Urban Space as a Work of Art | Imaginary Realism’ is about Jan Hatt-Olsen’s research of urban space through his art and artistic practices)


Jan Hatt-Olsen (2009) Kommunikationenes grundlæggende teknologi (9 digte) s. 517-528. I Ordløst 119 digtere I Dansk Forfatterforening, (Ordløst, København 2009)


irri tekst.

(2009. Bidrag til biblioteket i Vedr.tekst  - Udstilling Foredrag og Bibliotek.

Udstillingslokalet Q, arrangeret af Tværfaglig Studiekreds)


Urban ArtscapeFuresø (2008). In Frank Eckardt, Jens Geelhaar, Laura Colini, Katharine S. Willis, Konstantinos Chorianopoulos, Ralf Hennig (Eds.)  Mediacity – Situations, Practices and Encounters pp. 263 – 285 (Frank & Timme, Berlin 2008). The book is a publication from the Mediacity Project , Bauhaus-University, Weimar)

Draft version of the chapter Urban ArtscapeFuresø, the final version shall be acquired from the book.


Urban Wiki | augmented, porous, connected urban places

(2008 Presentation at Thinking Metropolis VI: New Media // New Technology )


Urban Wiki | wiki light in urban places

(2008 Presentation at Metropolis Sound and Light seminar )


Urban wiki | limitations and possibilities in urban space   cross borders – create place

(2008. Workshops at Metropolis Laboratory and Sound and Light seminar


Jan Hatt-Olsen, Àsta Olga Magnúsdottir. (2008) Urban Alchemist in the Night. In Changing Metropolis, Via Design, Copenhagen 2008 pp. 110-111.


Artscape Vollsmose | WikiVollsmose

(2008. Urban Wiki  created in connection with the establishment of new culture house, media center and library in Vollsmose , curator Illumenarts,)


Urban Artscape-Furesø | Connecting two towns and two squares Kulturpladsen in Værløse and Kulturtorvet in Farum in the Greater Copenhagen Area

(2008. Paper presentation at the Mediacity conference in the Bauhaus-University in Weimar )


Urban ArtscapeFuresø

(November 2007, December 2007, January 2008. A large new media art, public art project based upon ‘The Cinescape Street Creativity Charter’ I made and presented together with a group of young architects and urban planners at City Living – Living City | the 6’th Biennial of Towns and Town Planners.  Urban ArtscapeFuresø connected squares in two towns, private and public space, virtual and outer reality


Debat om byrum.

(2007. Danmarks Radio P1 Morgen.  Medvirkende byrumskunstner Jan Hatt-Olsen, Københavns Stadsarkitekt Jan Christiansen og Flemming Skude praktiserende arkitekt / Debate about Urban Spaces. Denmark’s Radio P1 Morning.  Participating Urban Space Artist Jan Hatt-Olsen, City Architect for Copenhagen Jan Christiansen and Flemming Skude practicing architect)


International Conference Music and Sound in Public Space.

(2007. Conference at the University of Southern Denmark, I was head of the program committee)


The City as a Collection of Poetry

(2007. The version of this article, which is published in Western Humanities Review has the title ‘The City as an Expression of Poetry’ and can only be acquired through the volume of WHR or in a scanned version online through Encyclopædia Britannica )


The City as an Expression of Poetry.

(Published in Western Humanities Review. Fall 2007: Western Humanities Alliance Special Issue: What is a City, s. 88-100, University of Utah, Salt Lake City 2007. Editors on the Western Humanities Alliance Special Issue: Wayne McCready, Susan Bennett (guest editors) PJ Carlisle (managing editor of WHR).


(2007. The article is a presentation of the poetry-installation / public artwork Værløse Bymidte d. 3. sept – 12 sept. 2004 | Lyrik-installation / Bog / Digtsamling and its concept and implications in relation to the city, to the concept of the book and poetry. Western Humanities Review is published tri-annually by University of Utah. Western Humanities Review Volume 61 number 3 is made in collaboration with Western Humanities Alliance and University of Calgary. It consists of selected papers from Western Humanities Alliance 25’Th annual conference ’What is a City’ hosted by University of Calgary 2006.

The institutional members of Western Humanities Alliance : Arizona State University – University of California, Riverside – Claremont Graduate University – University of California, San Diego – Reed College – University of California, Santa Barbara – Stanford University – University of California, Santa Cruz – University of Arizona – University of Colorado, Boulder – University of Nevada, Las Vegas – University of California, Berkeley – University of Oregon – University of California, Davis – University of Southern California – University of California, Irvine – University of Utah – University of California, Los Angeles – University of Washington – Utah State University – University of British Columbia – University of Calgary – Simon Fraser University


Urban Artscape (Jan Hatt-Olsen, Ásta Olga Magnúsdóttir) participates in Metropolis Laboratory by making the workshop ’Urban Space as an Artwork’ and the installation/intervention ´Urban Alchemist in the Night’

(2007. Metropolis Laboratory is supported by the Danish Art Council and Realdania and is connected to the Metropolis Biennial)


The Municipality as a Work of Art | Urban ArtscapeFuresø.

(2007. Presentation at the international Metropolis Seminar – Biennale 2007, ‘The City as a Stage and the Stage as a City’.)

The seminar was the opening of the Metropolis project, 2007 – 2017,

The presentation can be downloaded her.


Artistic planning consultant in Furesø Municipality.

( 2007. An experimental position with the aim of creating an cross-over between art and urban planning with the two as equal partners. The description of the concept and praxis as an artistic planning consultant is a part of the presentation ‘The Municiplaity as a Work of Art | Urban ArtscapeFuresø’ at the opening seminar ‘The City as Stage and the Stage as City’ in the Metropolis project




Poem in MultimediePoesi DVD.

(2007.  MultimediePoesi DVD a montage made by Patricia Davelouis and Ada Ortega Camara with 14 selected Danish poets, 14 Nordic video artist music by Sugarbeat and reading of the poems by the actors Sarah Boberg  and Ken Vedsegaard, )


The Danish Research Day. Hvordan bruger vi vores byrum, How can we use our Urban Spaces

(2007, speech about ‘Urban ArtscapeFuresø’, together with a speech from researcher Anni Greve, Civil høflighed, ritual, free jazz, Urban civility, the ritual free jazz)


Urban Artscape. The Cinescape Street Creativity Charter.

(2006, speech at the conference music and sound in public space at the University of Southern Denmark)


Music and Sound in Public Space.

(2006, conference at the University of Southern Denmark, I was head of the program committee)


The City as a Collection of Poetry.

(2006. Paper presentation at Western Humanities Alliance  25’Th annual conference ‘What is a City?’ the 2006 conference was hosted by University of Calgary. My speech has been made into a completed paper and been selected for publication in Western Humanities Review in the fall 2007. My speech and my paper is a presentation of the work of art Værløse Bymidte d. 3. sept – 12 sept. 2004 | Lyrik-installation / Bog / Digtsamling I made in 2004 and the thoughts about the city as a poetical expression, with its consequences for the city and poetry as concept and reality.)

The institutional members of the Western Humanities Alliance are: Arizona State University – University of California, Riverside – Claremont Graduate University – University of California, San Diego – Reed College – University of California, Santa Barbara – Stanford University – University of California, Santa Cruz – University of Arizona – University of Colorado, Boulder – University of Nevada, Las Vegas – University of California, Berkeley – University of Oregon – University of California, Davis – University of Southern California – University of California, Irvine – University of Utah – University of California, Los Angeles – University of Washington – Utah State University – University of British Columbia – University of Calgary – Simon Fraser University


Poetry In Thrige

(2006, installation of poetry printed on plexiglass in a large industrial building Thrige Hal 7, as a part of the InThrige art and dance festival, )


Rhizome | Psykogegrafisk kortlægning af New Herning Kommune (Rhizome | Psykogegrafic map of New Herning Municipality)

(2006, a crossover project between art and urban planning made in Ny Herning Municipality as a part of Atlas | Kortlægning af Ny Herning Kommune, Atlas | mapping New Herning Municipality, there has been published a book about the project, a pdf version can be downloaded from click on Udgivelse: "Atlas - En kortlægning af ny Herning Kommune" The Book is in Danish but there are many pictures and illustrations, more pictures can be seen on )


Poster exhibition and presentation of the Urban Artscape Mobile Unit at Auktionshalllen in Fordbygningen

( 2005. The event and urban revitalization competition ‘Sydhavnens Stemme’ )


Kan digte ændre byrummet ? / Can poetry change the cityscape

( 2005. City Art Performance. A collaboration between Jan Hatt-Olsen and the musician Kristian Bjerre Harting. Impromusic in dialog with improreading of poetry and projections on Toftegårds Plads of  poems from ’Værløse Bymidte den 3. sept. – 12 sept. 2004 | Lyrik-Installation / Bog / Digtsamling’.  The City Art Performance was a part of Kraftwerkets: Plads i din by - MakWerk )


The Cinescape Street Creativity Charter

(2005, a charter for street creativity in Europe presented at ’City Living – Living City | the 6’th European Biennial of Towns and Town Planners’


The City as a Collection of Poetry

( 2005, ’Værløse Bymide den 3.sept.-12.sept. 2004 | Lyrik-installation / Bog / Digtsamling’ was one off the 30 examples of street creativity in Europe exhibited at ’City Living – Living City | the 6’th European Biennial of Towns and Town Planners’ in the biennials ’Street Creativity Exhibition’


Værløse Bymide den 3.sept.-12.sept. 2004

Lyrik-installation / Bog / Digtsamling

(2004, site-specific urban installation/intervention – collection of poetry

web-catalogue Paper in English in the catalogue by the art historian Nicoletta Isar

In the book Comparative Hierotopy, A Lidov (Ed),  Radunica, Moscow 2009 Nicoletta Isar, (from 2005 associated professor in Art History at the University of Copenhagen) has written the chapter Vision and Performance | A Hierotopic Approach to Contemporary Art, where she analyzes my work (urban space and street art), Bill Viola (Video art), Antero Alli, Jerry Grotowsky (experimental theater) and Marina Abromavic (body art)


Imp. Institut for musik og poesi

(2003, cd/ collection of poetry)


Tiara, forlaget (is this art !?)

(2002-    : web installation/intervention)



(2002: collection of poetry)



(2000: collection of poetry)


ISBN 87-90739-00-0;1

(1998: book installation / collection of poetry)